Your FP HOLIDAY Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 23-29
What’s dreamier than a solar eclipse on Christmas night? Preparing for one of the biggest weeks of the year, with help from Tracy Allen…
December 22–January 19
You’re fired up to express yourself and to take a bigger bite out of life this week, thanks to the sun in Capricorn vibing with Uranus and Jupiter, two freedom-loving planets. Don’t stick to familiar pleasures, because a safe bet won’t provide maximum gratification. Expand the domain you typically operate in and seek alternate paths to romance, personal fulfillment and creative satisfaction. Shake things up for a more memorable, exciting experience. Spot opportunities for growth and learning — then make the most of them. Envision plans for the future that make you feel optimistic and excited. Your enthusiasm can easily catch on with others; just try not to be domineering. This week’s solar eclipse in Capricorn points to a fresh start that launches your personal New Year! The universe is pushing you to keep evolving into the person you were meant to be. Shedding skin is a powerful but painful transformation process. You’re growing stronger as you leave old versions of yourself behind. Another bonus: Mercury’s arrival in your sign lends added objectivity regarding personal matters and the ability to communicate with energy.
January 20–February 18
The sun in your release corner forms alliances with Uranus and Jupiter this week, suggesting that looking back with an open mind can help you move forward. If you’ve been stuck in a holding pattern and unable to let go of something, seize this opportunity to poke around in your psyche and learn about yourself — introspection could be your ticket to freedom! View your childhood and your parents from a different angle, and make the choice to emancipate yourself from your backstory. Honor what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Spiritual wisdom and inner truths have tremendous importance now. Absorb the lessons from 2019 and make peace with the past. A solar eclipse in that corner alludes to a new chapter in your spiritual life, and you could begin to do some serious soul searching. If it truly is time to bring something to a close, here is your chance. After Mercury ducks into that corner, you’ll become even more circumspect for a few weeks and may need extra quiet time to mull things over.
February 19–March 20
When the sun gets into a groove with Uranus in your cognition-and-communication sector and Jupiter in your hopes-and-humanity zone this week, your social skills and networking power will be major pluses. Technology can also work to your advantage, so if you’re trying to get your message across on social media, it should come through loud and clear. You might test an innovative idea out on people and get great feedback or pick up new knowledge and interests from others. Expanding your network will water new aspirations, so don’t think too small. Team up with a wide range of friends and peers on inspired endeavors. But avoid acting like a know-it-all, and try to see the big picture of who you fit in with — and how you can connect with people in mutually beneficial ways. After a solar eclipse lands in your hopes-and-humanity zone and Mercury shows up there, you might make new friends and professional contacts, join a different group, get an altruistic effort off the ground or add something important to your bucket list.
March 21–April 19
You’re primed to shine this week when the sun in your ambition angle gels with individualistic Uranus and confident Jupiter. Access your impressive arsenal of unique talents and make a splash that will get you noticed. Use the resources you have at your disposal in an unexpected way and try not to be attached to a specific payoff; then you’re even more likely to succeed. Being surprised by what you get isn’t always a bad thing. Growing optimism about your future prospects will propel you forward and allow you to command center stage. Show off what you have to offer, but stop short of being overbearing. You might land a plum position or earn major accolades under this influence. A solar eclipse and the arrival of Mercury will also activate your ambition angle, continuing the emphasis on charting your course and making your mark in the world. A change in your public image, professional status, responsibilities or life path may be in the works, and it’s a great time to set new goals.
April 20–May 20
Uranus and Jupiter harmonize with the sun this week, prompting you to embrace a wide variety of experiences. Variety isn’t just the spice of life now; it’s what will fuel your progress. You need a sense of forward movement, so don’t stick to the tried and true. Push boundaries and make discoveries about the world. Try on new ways of being you for size. A spirit of adventure will embolden you to take chances and bring more excitement into your life. You’re not going to grow within the confines of your comfort zone. It’s time to break new ground! You might get onboard with a cause you believe in now. Stay off the soapbox, though, as Jupiter can get preachy. A solar eclipse also nudges you to forego the status quo and launch an entrepreneurial venture, embark on a new course of study, take a big trip or broaden your horizons in some other way that gets your juices flowing. And with Mercury on the move, your mind is opening up to bigger, more hopeful visions of the future.
May 21–June 20
With the sun in your depth-and-merging zone enlisting the help of Uranus and Jupiter this week, a lightbulb may switch on in your psyche, revealing truths that can set you free. Getting something out into the open takes away its ability to disrupt your life. And when you examine it, you might see how new insights can emancipate you. You could also have a breakthrough in a close relationship or with a passion project when you focus intently. Delve deeply and learn as much as you can — about yourself, about intimacy or about something you’re obsessed with. Others are likely to be generous with their support now, but maintain a spirit of balanced give-and-take in your relationships — Jupiter can tempt you to place demands on someone! A solar eclipse is also rocking your depth-and-merging zone, and Mercury will be setting up camp there. This is your cue to seek a loan or grant; pay off debt; or recover from a loss, crisis or wound. A fresh chapter of emotional growth or new level of closeness may be on the horizon.
June 21–July 22
Spontaneity and freedom are boons for your relationships when the sun clicks with Uranus and Jupiter this week. Go with the flow, giving people a chance to surprise you. Allow them to be who they are instead of needing them to live up to set expectations. As you become more sure of who you are, you’ll have an easier time finding those who belong in your life. Get out and connect for your own purposes and for the greater good, because this is an excellent time for networking and philanthropy. You’ll feel like your true self in the presence of other individuals and can bring out the best in each other. Jupiter might tip the scales out of balance, so aim for mutual growth, perhaps gelling as a unit with someone who’s important to you. With both a solar eclipse and Mercury landing in your interpersonal angle, you could start a serious relationship or commit to someone you’re already seeing. Another kind of partnership may also be in the pipeline, or you might go public with something you’ve been working on.
July 23–August 22
Your ruling planet is zooming through your productivity corner and coalescing with Uranus and Jupiter this week, suggesting that your determined efforts can make a big difference. Take pride in how much you can accomplish! You could gain more freedom to do the work you want to do or make progress toward a humanitarian goal. Whether you’re striving to change your career, your public image or the world, the fruits of your labor might surprise you. Apply yourself with gusto, but don’t be too wedded to a particular outcome or approach. You possess a good attitude about making yourself useful and the energy to check off many of the tasks on your to-do list. You might take on a wider range of duties; polish your skills; or do a generous favor in the spirit of service. The solar eclipse invites you to improve your health through a different diet or fitness routine; get on a new schedule; initiate a positive habit; launch a job search; adopt a pet; or get better at time management.
August 23–September 22
When the sun joins forces with Uranus and Jupiter this week, you’re encouraged to try new things and find out more about yourself in the process. Anything is possible now, so whatever you do, don’t play it safe! Push the envelope and look at yourself and your life in a whole new light. You can grow your identity by confidently going out on a limb and exploring unfamiliar territory. Impromptu adventures and festivities get the go-ahead now, so leave some space on your calendar for the unexpected. Life might just hold a welcome surprise in store for you. You need to express who you are and go after the love and happiness you desire — but first, believe you deserve it. Jupiter gives you the courage to show off an authentic, grand version of yourself, but remember to share the spotlight. A solar eclipse and Mercury are both arriving in your joy house, getting you to focus on personal gratification. A new romance, creative venture or other source of pleasure could be just around the corner.
September 23–October 22
This week’s sun-Uranus and sun-Jupiter meetings invite you to tune in to your inner world and do what you can to understand your personal history and your emotions. Introspection and reflection on the past could yield a realization that generates a psychological breakthrough. It’s also possible to get closer to someone rather quickly by being open and honest instead of trying to maintain control. Conducting a self-inventory and talking to a person you trust can generate surprising benefits, so prioritize alone time or quality time with a confidante. Inner confidence and optimism can also inspire you to get going on improving your living situation, and personal comfort should be high on your priority list. But putting yourself first might somehow rub family or roomies the wrong way, so try to tend to your needs without trampling on anyone’s feelings inadvertently. A solar eclipse coaxes you to begin a new self-care practice and alludes to a coming change in your home life or your family. After Mercury descends to your foundation angle, you might take a stroll down memory lane and wax nostalgic.
October 23–November 21
Your brain is firing on all cylinders this week, thanks to the sun’s alliances with quick-thinking Uranus and edifying Jupiter. You shouldn’t have any problem sharing ideas that can impact others’ lives and pairing up with forward-thinking people to spread an important message. You can easily form new connections and effect change, so reach out to likely proponents of progress with enthusiasm. A positive attitude and a hunger for learning will fuel your thoughts and interactions, giving you a taste of the year to come when Jupiter will make its way through your cognition-and-communication sector. Channel your restlessness into travel, community organizing and savvy use of social media. You can reach a lot of people now and spread the word. Try to find unique ways to get your message across, putting your singular stamp on everything. Just be mindful of Jupiter’s tendency toward opinionizing. A solar eclipse coaxes you to learn, express yourself, get out of town and make decisions. And it also hints that new info and increased busyness is on the way.
November 22–December 21
The sun forms coalitions with Uranus and Jupiter this week, prompting you to be extra innovative in using your resources and innate gifts to get things done — and maybe even make a difference in the world. Take a different approach to acting on your core priorities. Reveal a hidden talent. Translate strong self-esteem into respect for your health. Believe in what you have to offer and contribute unique work. Invent an everyday routine that reflects what’s most valuable to you. You’re identifying with personal values and belongings and might feel a need to acquire things that seem like they’ll enhance your life or give you more freedom. Try to get perspective on your true needs and consider the wisest ways to get them met. If your financial strategy could use some work, examine its connection with your own sense of worth. A solar eclipse and Mercury remind you to stay focused on what you have going for you. This is the year’s best lunation for setting financial goals, and a new source of income may open up soon!
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Lead image by Alessandra Olanow.